姓名张素红 性 别:  院 系理学院
行政职务 专业技术职称副教授 导师类别硕士生导师
主要一级学科物理学 主要二级学科 主要领域类别
次要一级学科 次要二级学科 次要领域类别
岗位类别学术 任硕导年月201505 任博导年月
毕业院校燕山大学 毕业专业: 080502 材料学 毕业时间2013-06-08
办公电话 E-mailsuhongzh@ysu.edu.cn 是否停招
Elastic and thermodynamic properties of Rh and Rh3Zr under pressure from first-principles calculation Materials Chemistry and Physics 国外 SCI 149-150 1
Stability, elastic and electronic properties of the Rh-Zr compounds from first-principles calculations Intermetallics 国外 SCI 44 1
Polymorphism in glassy silicon: Inherited from liquid-liquid phase transition in supercooled liquid Scientific reports 国外 SCI 5 5
Effects of Ni and Ti on the phase stability, martensitic transformation and mechanical properties of B2 CuZr phase Computational Materials Science 国外 SCI 110 5
Mechanical, electronic and thermal properties of Cu5Zr and Cu5Hf by first-principles calculations Journal of Alloys and Compounds 国外 SCI 640 5
Anisotropy in elasticity and thermodynamic properties of zirconium tetraboride under high pressure RSC Adv 国外 SCI 5 5
First-principles investigations of structural, electronic, optical and thermodynamic properties of CdxMg1-xS alloys Computational Materials Science 国外 SCI 101 5
The electronic origin of the underestimated trigonal shear constant of Zr1-xNbx super alloys from first-principles calculations Science of Advanced Materials 国外 SCI 6 3
Theoretical study of the phase transformation of ZnSe0.5Te0.5 alloy under pressure Physica B 国内 SCI 449 3
First-principles calculations of structural stability and mechanical properties of tungsten carbide under high pressure Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 国外 SCI 75 4
新型锆合金设计与强韧化研究进展 燕山大学学报 国内 38 4
First principle study of elastic and thermodynamic properties of ZrZn2 and HfZn2 under high pressure Journal of Applied Physics 国外 SCI 115 5
Mechanical and electronic properties of Rh and Rh3Zr form first-principles calculation Solid State Communications 国外 SCI 189 1
Mg2Si化合物在静水压下的电子输运性能研究 Acta Phys. Sin 国内 64 3
heoretical prediction of structural stability, electronic and elastic properties of ZrSi2 under pressure RSC Adv 国外 SCI 5 4
: 成果获奖情况

金属元素掺杂调控omega相锆合金力学性能的微观机制研究 国家自然科学基金项目 结题报告 国家自然科学基金委委员会 得到了结构性能的变化规律,发现了d电子浓度的独特作用 1
基于omega 锆的二元轻质合金成分设计与性能研究 学校自选项目 结题报告 燕山大学 得出了轻质元素对omega锆的性能调控规律 1

omega相二元锆合金的成分设计与性能调控机制研究 自然基金 省(自治区、直辖市)项目 2005.1-2018.12 4.00 主持人