姓名吴希军 性 别:  院 系电气工程学院
行政职务 专业技术职称副教授 导师类别硕士生导师
主要一级学科仪器科学与技术 主要二级学科 主要领域类别仪器仪表工程
次要一级学科 次要二级学科 次要领域类别人工智能
岗位类别学术+专业 任硕导年月201306 任博导年月
毕业院校燕山大学 毕业专业: 毕业时间2010-06-01
办公电话 E-mailWuxijun@ysu.edu.cn 是否停招
Quantitative analysis of blended corn-olive oil based on Raman spectroscopy and one-dimensional convolutional neural network Food Chemistry 国外 SCI 385 第1
Detection of antioxidants in edible oil by two-dimensional correlation spectroscopy combined with convolutional neural network Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 国外 SCI 119 第1
Manipulation of the photoluminescence of lead halide perovskite quantum dots with mechanically reconfigurable 3D photonic crystals Optics Letters 国外 SCI 48(6) 第1
Qualitative and quantitative studies of plasticizers in extra virgin olive oil by surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy combined with chemometrics Vibrational Spectroscopy 国外 SCI 103527 第1
Identification of olive oil in vegetable blend oil by one-dimensional convolutional neural network combined with Raman spectroscopy Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 国外 SCI 108 第1
Dual-channel plasmonic color prints based on deep-learning Optics Communications 国外 SCI 517 第1
Dynamically manipulating third-harmonic generation of Ge2Sb2Te5 nanodisks with Mie resonances Optics Communications 国外 SCI 513 第2
Exploration of total synchronous fluorescence spectroscopy combined with pre-trained convolutional neural network in the identification and quantification of vegetable oil Food Chemistry 国外 SCI 335 第1
Identification and quantification of adulterated honey by Raman spectroscopy combined with convolutional neural network and chemometrics Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 国外 SCI 274 第1
Identification of antioxidants in edible oil by two-dimensional correlation spectroscopy combined with deep learning LWT - Food Science and Technology 国外 SCI 162 第1
Three-dimensional chiral metasurfaces for circular-polarized anomalous beam steering Optics. Letters 国外 SCI 47(7) 第1
Photoluminescence enhancement in monolayer MoS2 and self-assembled 3D photonic crystal heterostructures Optics Letters 国外 SCI 47(5) 第1
Total synchronous fluorescence spectroscopy coupled with deep learning to rapidly identify the authenticity of sesame oil Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 国外 SCI 244 第1
Identification and quantification of counterfeit sesame oil by 3D fluorescence spectroscopy and convolutional neural network Food Chemistry 国外 SCI 311 第1
Correction of overlapping peaks of Pb and As spectrum based on a chaotic particle swarm optimization–Gaussian mixture statistical model Journal of Chemometrics 国外 SCI 34 第1
: 成果获奖情况
河北省优秀硕士论文 省部 优秀论文 其他 20230113 1

基于分子光谱的校正模型优化及在食用油鉴别中的应用研究 省(自治区、直辖市)项目 结题验收 河北省教育厅 结题 1
基于荧光谱机理的食用植物油品质研究 省(自治区、直辖市)项目 结题验收 河北省科技厅 结题 1
测控技术与仪器专业核心课程群实践环节融合的教学方法研究 省(自治区、直辖市)项目 结题验收 河北省教育厅 结题 1
基于过渡金属硫化物二维材料-三维光子晶体复合纳米结构表面增强光谱的食用植物油品质鉴别机理研究 省(自治区、直辖市)项目 结题验收 河北省科技厅 结题 1
