姓名李继猛 性 别:  院 系电气工程学院
行政职务 专业技术职称副教授 导师类别硕士生导师
主要一级学科仪器科学与技术 主要二级学科 主要领域类别仪器仪表工程
次要一级学科 次要二级学科 次要领域类别人工智能
岗位类别学术+专业 任硕导年月201607 任博导年月
毕业院校西安交通大学 毕业专业: 毕业时间2013-06-22
办公电话 E-mailxjtuljm@163.com 是否停招
Adaptive multiscale noise control enhanced stochastic resonance method based on modified EEMD with its application in bearing fault diagnosis Shock and Vibration 国外 SCI 2016 1
A new adaptive cascaded stochastic resonance method for impact features extraction in gear fault diagnosis Measurement 国外 SCI 2016,91 1
Adaptive stochastic resonance method for impact signal detection based on sliding window Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 国外 SCI 2013,36 1
Multi-stable stochastic resonance research on mechanical fault diagnosis Journal of Sound and Vibration 国外 SCI 2013,22 1
A New noise-controlled second-order enhanced stochastic esonance method with its application in wind turbine drivetrain fault diagnosis Renewable Energy 国外 SCI 2013,60 1
Quantitative evaluation on the performance and feature enhancement of stochastic resonance for bearing fault diagnosis Mechanical System and Signal Processing 国外 SCI 2016,81 2
ault feature enhancement of gearbox in combined machining center using adaptive cascade stochastic resonance Science China, Science China Technological Sciences 国外 SCI 2011,54 2
Compressed sensing based on dictionary learning for extracting impulse components Signal Processing 国外 SCI 2013,96 3
采用粒子群算法的冲击信号自适应单稳态随机共振检测方法 机械工程学报 国内 EI 2011,47 1
风力发电机状态监测和故障诊断技术的研究与进展 机械工程学报 国内 EI 2011,47 2
基于自适应随机共振和稀疏编码收缩算法的齿轮故障诊断方法 中国机械工程 国内 2016,27 1
[1] Rolling bearing fault diagnosis based on time-delayed feedback monostable stochastic resonance and adaptive minimum entropy deconvolution Journal of Sound and Vibration 国外 SCI 2017,401 1
A novel adaptive stochastic resonance method based on coupled bistable systems and its application in rolling bearing fault diagnosis Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 国外 SCI 2019,114 1
An Adaptive Randomized Orthogonal Matching Pursuit Algorithm with Sliding Window for Rolling Bearing Fault Diagnosis IEEE Access 国外 SCI 2018,6 1
: 成果获奖情况


行星齿轮传动系统机电耦合动态特性与微弱故障诊断研究 自然基金 国家自然科学基金项目 2016-2018 20.00 负责人
风电装备传动系统早期微弱故障增强提取与诊断方法研究 自然基金 省(自治区、直辖市)项目 2015-2017 5.00 负责人
多激励耦合下行星齿轮传动系统故障演化机理及随机共振诊断方法研究 自然基金 省(自治区、直辖市)项目 2017-2019 4.00 负责人